Nisa offers special Burns Night deals


Nisa has been offering a raft of Burns Night staples to support its independent retailers ahead of this week’s celebration.

The event, which falls tomorrow evening (25 January) gives a traditional boost to sales in convenience stores as Scots everywhere celebrate.

The promotion features a range of deals including Mash Direct Neeps & Tatties 750g at £2.25, Mash Direct Burns Bites 300g at £2.70, Macsween Haggis 400g and Vegetarian Haggis 400g at £3 each, Irn-Bru six-pack cans in Regular and Sugar Free variants at £2.25 each, and Whyte & Mackay Blended Scotch Whisky 700ml at £14 a bottle.

Offline marketing lead at Nisa Chris Walker said: “January is typically a quieter month for retailers and shoppers tend to be much more budget-conscious, following an expensive December. This means events like Burns Night provide pivotal opportunities to maximise sales at a time when the country is otherwise more or less at a standstill.

“This year, our Burns Night deals include a broad selection of products across multiple categories to help partners remain competitive and support them in capturing additional January sales.”

Deals have been available in-store in the run-up to Burns Night with the promotion ending tomorrow.