Nisa retailer opens second Yorkshire store


Nisa retailer David Sellers has launched his second Yorkshire store and has plans to invest further before the end of the year.


Sellers took on the former McColl’s on Hessle Road in Hull in the middle of June, four months after launching his first Nisa store in Sheffield.

The 1,500sq ft shop has received a new Nisa Local Evolution fascia to the exterior while inside the store has had a deep clean and a general tidy up, along with new lighting, vinyls, and branding to create a more modern space.

Sellers said: “We’ve implemented the full Nisa category management planograms and added in a coffee machine, as well as a better range and some key Co-op own-brand lines.

“Before we took it on it had become quite tired and the product range wasn’t great so we’re working on that and trying to demonstrate to our shoppers what they can now buy here that they couldn’t before.”

He added: “Basket spend is starting to pick up and chilled is selling better than we thought it would so we’ll look at expanding the range and add in meal solutions to increase sales further.

“There’s quite a lot to do here to get it right but I’d like to get a third store before the end of the year, I just need to find the right one.”