Snappy Shopper’s partners cash in on home delivery


Snappy Shopper says that more than 20 of its independent retail partners are averaging more than £500,000 in annual sales.


Mike Callachan, chief executive officer of The Snappy Group, said: “The pandemic did accelerate the use of digital services and when we were all encouraged to stay-at-home it propelled demand for the Snappy Shopper app.

“We knew, from our experience before the pandemic, that retailers would continue to be successful once restrictions were relaxed.

“We are seeing our partner sales continue to grow at a record pace as shoppers do more of their shopping online from their local independent retailer.”

Spar Renfrew has made over 20,000 deliveries. Owner Saleem Sadiq said: “Shoppers have learned to live and think differently and that’s why the Snappy Shopper app has been a blessing especially to vulnerable people or those living on their own.

“We have really engaged with our online community, making sure that when they cannot come to us, we can go to them.

“We have been there for customers through the whole pandemic journey and our relationship with them has cemented our position in the community.”