Wales leads the UK in relaxing Covid self-isolation rules


Wales is set become the first country in the UK to relax Covid self-isolation requirements as it announced that from 7 August fully vaccinated adults with no symptoms may continue to work after they have been ‘pinged’.

This means that shopworkers will have government approval for working provided they take two PCR tests on day two and eight after being told about any close contact with someone infected with Covid.

Young staff under 18 will also be exempt from the need to self-isolate if they are also identified as close contacts of a positive case.

But everyone who tests positive for coronavirus or has symptoms must continue to isolate for 10 days, whether they have been vaccinated or not.

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) said that the early relaxation was welcome. James Lowman, ACS chief executive, added: “The decision to bring forward changes to self-isolation rules for fully vaccinated colleagues will be welcome news for local shops in Wales.

“However, retailers in England and Scotland are becoming increasingly frustrated that they have to struggle on for longer with reduced staffing levels as absence rates remain high due to the ‘pingdemic’.

“We continue to press for the UK Government to bring forward the 16 August self-isolation date for the double vaccinated.”

Welsh health minister Eluned Morgan added: “Unfortunately, as the last couple of months have shown, the pandemic is still with us. We need everyone’s help to control the spread of coronavirus – everything we do has an impact on this awful virus.

“Removing self-isolation for people who have had a full course of the vaccine is a really positive step forward but it does not mean the end of isolation for all of us.

“If we want to see the back of coronavirus, we all need to take this virus seriously and isolate on symptoms and get tested.”