Customers expect radical transparency

June 10, 2020

Every part of a brand is now on display. The brand identity is no longer a veneer applied to the front of the business – it’s everything the business does, and how it does it. Customers expect transparency into a brand’s operations and behavior– how it treats its employees, how it uses resources– to know that they align with their values and point of view.

Transparency fan graphic

“Once aid was approved, “PPP loan” was one of the most searched for terms in the US – it mattered whether or not companies were rightfully taking loans.”

Action Points:
Clear Communication
Customers want clear communication about anything that could affect their purchase decision. Communication doesn’t just mean an announcement: it’s ingrained in every design and experience a customer has with a brand.


Lift the Veil
Be prepared to be open about operations, finance, human resources and other areas that are traditionally under cover– they are now an active part of your brand identity. Operate your business like it’s all on display.

“Globally, we have observed a steady rise in the role that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays as a purchasing factor for consumers. Additionally, since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus on CSR has expanded from solely focusing on environmental issues like sustainable packaging and fair working environments, to include brands’ accountability for the choices they are making and the assistance they are accepting from the US government.”
Jenna Menking, Crosswalk Founder

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