Home appliances

Cosying up in front of these modern fireplaces is surely satisfying

Having a fireplace doesn’t just make any space more relaxing and calming – it can also improve the look and the feel of the room where it’s installed in

When chosen smartly, the structure can become the focal point of your living area. We have picked ten modern and stylish fireplaces that will surely warm your heart.  

1. Oblo, Hailed by Whynot

Hailed by Whynot attempts to use clean geometries and Scandinavian elegance to achieve a minimalist look. Keeping these concepts in mind, the studio has created a freestanding wood stove. 

Oblo is an architectural object with fine details and a strict design. The studio behind the project created three versions of the stove, each with its own aesthetic and ways of functioning.

© Oblo, Hailed by Whynot / Modern fireplaces

2. Fire Vase by Martinazua

There is no better way to set the mood than using a fireplace. Fire Vase, due to its agile lateral cut, is perfect for adding a special touch to a terrace or a garden.

Made of clay, the product can also add earthy elegance to your apartment. Since it can withstand fire and thermal shock at high temperatures, Fire Vase is highly functional.

Fire Vase by Martinazua - Modern fireplaces
© Fire Vase by Martinazua / Modern fireplaces

3.  Gyrofocus by Focus Fires

The history behind Gyrofocus dates back far – to 1968 when it was the first suspended model of a fireplace. Thanks to its easy maintenance, it has become a symbol of the design studio. Upon its creation, Gyrofocus was groundbreaking not only in style but also in terms of its technical design. Today. it remains as iconic.

On the studio’s website, you’ll find the Augmented Reality App, which lets you see how the structure would look in your space.

Gyrofocus by Focus Fires
© Gyrofocus by Focus Fires / Modern fireplaces

4 .Charnwood Cove 2 by Charnwood

Looking for a statement piece? The Charnwood Cove 2 won’t disappoint, generating heat at a respectable 8 kW. Wherever you decide to place, it is guaranteed to draw attention. 

What’s great is that you can put the Charnwood Cove 2 in a standard fireplace, thanks to its low stand and arch. Plus – you can customize it in your favorite colors.

Charnwood Cove 2 by Charnwood - Modern fireplaces
© Charnwood Cove 2 by Charnwood / Modern fireplaces

5. Orion by Nordpeis 

Orion is a neat little piece from Nordpeis that will add warmth to your living room. The 625mm-tall project features a hotplate that can heat soup, cook stew, or boil a kettle. 

What makes the wood-burning stove one of a kind is its long, elegant legs, side designs that are subtly cast, and small brass handle. The Orion is ideal for smaller living areas like a conservatory or hallway due to its compact dimensions. 

Orion by Nordpeis
© Orion by Nordpeis / Modern fireplaces

6. Slimfocus Suspended by Focus Fireplaces

A statement stove from Focus Fireplaces, the Simfocus is part of the series nicknamed pipe fantasies. The beautiful project is a multiple-award winner and certainly ticks all the boxes for great design. 

Aesthetic flexibility, slim volume, and outstanding effectiveness – that’s how you can best describe the modern fireplace. It can be standing, suspended, or pivoted, creating an assertive presence. 

Slimfocus Suspended by Focus Fireplaces - Modern fireplaces
© Slimfocus Suspended by Focus Fireplaces / Modern fireplaces

7. La Dolce Vita by Custom Fireplace Design

Another beautiful design piece on our list is La Dolce Vita. The electric and water-powered technology in VITA Fireplaces collection of suspended fireplaces makes them unique.

The stunning aesthetics don’t hurt too – if you are an admirer of modern design, this product won’t leave you indifferent.

La Dolce Vita by Custom Fireplace Design
© La Dolce Vita by Custom Fireplace Design / Modern fireplaces

8. Contour 13 by GlammFire and NQ Digital Agency

The timeless minimalist design of Contour 13 is a collaboration between GlammFire and NQ Digital Agency. Its straightforward design, straight lines, and monochromatic color scheme make it a minimalist’s dream. Thanks to the unique technology used in the production process, you can focus on what really matters – the warmth of the flames.

Unlike other fireplaces, Contour 13 doesn’t demand attention. Instead, it complements its surroundings.

Contour 13 by GlammFire and NQ Digital Agency
© Contour 13 by GlammFire and NQ Digital Agency / Modern fireplaces

9.  Ultime D Closed Fireplaces by Metalfire

Our list wouldn’t be complete without the work of Metalfire.  The insulated combustion chamber with the original finishing has vertically ribbed cast iron. Another unique feature of the fireplace is its 10 mm flat steel firing bottom plate with an ash drawer and cast-iron firing grid. 

Air supply control, adjustable stainless steel flue, and gas baffle plates enhance the usefulness. What else could you need?

Ultime D Closed Fireplaces by Metalfire
© Ultime D Closed Fireplaces by Metalfire / Modern fireplaces

10. MORSØ 6612 by Morsø

Last but not least is the wood-burning stove by the well-known Danish stove manufacturer Morsø. Due to its smooth design, it will stand out in a corner or even become the centerpiece. Having four tapered wooden legs, the product is the perfect combination between minimalist style and a charming mid-century vibe.

MORSØ 6612 by Morsø
© MORSØ 6612 by Morsø / Modern fireplaces

End notes

Nothing beats curling up in front of a crackling fire. Whether you decide to place a fireplace in your living room, bedroom, or patio, it will be an excellent focal point. Well – as long as you opt for options like these, which are functional and boast a wow factor.


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