Iconic water tower reimagined on Al Khobar waterfront
Al Khobar Water Tower

Inspired by water as a symbol of life and prosperity, Al Khobar Water Tower by ON-A reshapes the waterfront ambiance by establishing a shopping center accompanied by entertainment and dining venues on an existing artificial island

Situated in a prime location overlooking the Persian Gulf, the tower renovation project aspires to create a functional and visually captivating architectural marvel. It aims to seamlessly integrate with the community, employ energy-efficient and sustainable design principles as a regional exemplar, and employ cutting-edge technology to provide an immersive experience celebrating the city’s cultural heritage.

Iconic water tower reimagined on Al Khobar waterfront
Al Khobar Water Tower

Standing at 90 meters tall, project is a pivotal component in revitalizing the city’s waterfront. Beyond its water provision role, the tower harmoniously blends with its surroundings, fostering a sense of connection and belonging among residents. Our project embodies an efficient and sustainable design, setting a benchmark for future regional development.

Iconic water tower reimagined on Al Khobar waterfront
Al Khobar Water Tower

The masterplan adopts a radial layout to optimize functionality and aesthetics. The ground floor hosts ample parking facilitating access to commercial and promenade areas featuring shops and restaurants. Above lies a souk or central commercial hub, surrounded by verdant courtyards and water features for relaxation. Open-air theaters and panoramic viewpoints offer opportunities to savor the surroundings. Furthermore, the design seamlessly incorporates the existing desalination plant, with the tower reigning over the complex, boasting a viewing platform at its summit.