When you’re starting out in business, one of the most important and most frustrating tasks is figuring out financials. Finding funding, taking care of tax responsibilities, and keeping up with daily expenses can be overwhelming for new business owners, but these tasks don’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips for small business owners on managing money.

Tackle the legalities

One easy way to handle your business expenses is to ensure that your financial health is in good shape. Creating an LLC or limited liability company will help you manage your business without fear of being held personally liable for its debts while also providing benefits such as exemption from double taxation. There are many other benefits to forming an LLC, but the process has several requirements so it’s important to do the research.


Get your priorities straight

Once you have your business legalities out of the way and have all the necessary licenses and permits, it’s time to figure out your recurring financial responsibilities. These are tasks that routinely require your attention, such as creating and keeping up with the budget, taking inventory, or going through invoices to make sure everything is paid. In order to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks, designate a day of the week or month to focus on these tasks, and stay organized by using software or a filing system that will allow any issues to stand out immediately. While it’s not the most fun part of running a business, taking care of these financial necessities is crucial.

There are some daily tasks that will require your attention, as well, such as reconciling revenue against receipts, depositing cash and checks, and fulfilling orders for shipment. If you can do these jobs at the same time each day, you’ll quickly become accustomed to the routine, and there will be less room for error.


Don’t stress over debt — yet

As you go over your daily and monthly expenses, you may feel a sense of dread with regards to the amount of debt your business accumulates. All new businesses go through the same thing and it’s not a reason to panic, as long as you have some solid practices in place. This means being careful about the amount of credit you use and utilizing resources such as crowdfunding or investors in order to raise money.

Utilize tech

Many small business owners think they can’t afford a lot of technology, but these days, there are tons of budget-friendly options that can help prevent major issues down the road. Automated accounts payable software and payment systems that track and manage inventory are two of the best tools a small business owner can use as they can prevent late payments and possible damage to your relationships with suppliers and customers alike.

Being smart about expenses will not only help you reduce stress, but it will also allow you to keep your business on track throughout the year without facing any major issues come tax time. Look for support and guidance from other local business owners when you can, and utilize the tools at your disposal to keep things organized.


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